

In Remembrance

                                        It all starts with God.

 God has been extremely good. He’s so good. Life is all about Him, there are so many reasons to praise and glorify His name, in fact there are so many things we can thank and praise Him every day! 

  This month, I have been learning and still learning about not wasting my life. God, I want to love, love you more than anything else. Help me to get back to that, I think I have gone off the track a bit and start thinking – man, I’m the real thing, handled everything well but I often find that I fail to see the big picture.


         By His grace, I had the opportunity to go to the village, and visit different places in the neighborhoods. I really didn’t expect what the journey would be like. Plans were that I would be returning to Bangalore, spend a week at K-homes’ but… the question I forgot to ask my best friend/father what His plans were for me…


On a sunny Saturday morning, my friend n I was chosen to go to the village. We got an invitation to go to have dinner with a family in the village. 

Honestly, I didn’t think God was actually going to teach me a big lesson. I just prayed a half heartfelt prayer, God- please be with us, I pray that they would see Jesus in us and that we would see Jesus in them, love you Dadda.

    I totally enjoyed taking pictures, hearing them share about the villages’ history, chatting, smiling -so far so good. Then, we had dinner; I was just amazed, seriously. 

    They blessed it, gave what was best to us and had very little to feed their entire family. I noticed, they were so happy, not complaining, even though with lot of problems - heat, no current, water issues, broken pots, few clothes and so on, but they just were so happy. Strange!!

   When we returned back, I was going through the pictures and I saw this old broken house, if you even call that a house/shelter. Man, they barely have anything, don’t know if they might survive through the cold but they were so joyful. That’s when HE happened!

  God was speaking so clearly to my heart; He was reminding me of His unconditional Love. For 4 hours, He kept bringing things into my attention and the fact is- The reason, behind this is…

   I would not be typing this or even enjoying His grace if it was not for GOD. I mean, I don’t deserve to live, I was a no one, just a kid in the streets of Tamil Nadu and I think that village- hut, if you will - would have been my house.

   Who knows, if I would have even survived. He really shook me; I just got down on my knees and started thanking Him for everything that I could remember of! So in awe of Jesus!


   I can clearly see that it was God from the beginning, and it is by His will that I am alive. I was adopted at the age of 6 and that was just the beginning of hope. I have food to eat, water to drink, clothes, LOVE, FAMILY, JESUS… you name it- God has been so faithful to me.

So often, I forget that life is all about Jesus. So often, I believe the lies of the enemy and forget my true love, I don’t want to waste my life! 

 To those who are reading this and to those who have spent time, teaching, disciplining, loving, caring and praying for me, I sincerely want to say thank you and I praise God for you.

By the grace of God, I have been consistently visiting those extreme places as a reminder to myself and trying to answer the call of God in my life!

                   Never Pity Missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is – where life and death, sin and grace, heaven and hell converge. –Robert C. Shannon

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