

Blessed Life

Welcome to my blog! I am glad you found your way here. If you are reading this now, you probably know me.

I came to k-homes as the age of six, when my elderly grand-uncle was unable to care for me. My mother died in childbirth, and my father thought it was my fault, so he abandoned me. Growing up, I was always so insecure. I had lots of fear. I thought I had no great strengths or talents. I wasn't an artist, athlete, musician, a great student, dancer, or leader. I was always so shy.

 In 2000, I gave my life to Jesus, and I knew Him. I knew from a young age that I was called to live radically. Tammyma used to read to us from Jesus Freaks (The Voice of the Martyrs) and it always touched me. I knew that I wanted that kind of life. Those stories always touched me, and I wanted to be like that. I wanted to live my life completely for Him. Tammyma had the habit of walking with each one of us kids each mornings, and encouraging us. Tammyma told me in the seventh standard, "Boo, I don't care so much about your grades in school and what talents you have, all I care about is your heart. Your character, your walk with Jesus, your inner self." She said it before, but this time, it really struck me and my self esteem started to improve. As I grew up, I started more steps of obedience. I stood up for Christ many times in school. I stood up for kids who were being bullied. I let know everyone know that I was a strong Christian and I stood up for what is right. Sometimes people would get angry with me. But I knew God was calling me to protect the weak. After 10th standard, I worked in a company called Olive Leaf Technologies, and I learned about computers. I became the best computer guy in K-homes, and I think it helped my self esteem too.

Over the next couple of years, Tammyma and others discipled me deeply and helped me become more strong in Jesus. As a home, we spent many hours reaching out to a really poor NGO called 'home of hope'. I realized that some of my spiritual gifts included serving and compassion. I love to help those who are being pushed down, oppressed, or vulnerable.

 In March of 2011, I noticed that I started going even more hard after God. I wanted to know His heart, and I was so hungry. Tammyma has been telling us teens that it's time for us to step out. She said, 'I should not be like a mother bird always, getting my food from God, and then regurgitating it out for you. You should learn to fly and get your own food.' And she has been teaching us for many many years about the 10/40 window. The theme of our home for 2010 was the Jake Hamilton song, 'The Anthem.' That struck me so much. I wanted to be a part of the unknown faceless nameless generation that God uses to change the world! In late February of this year, God began stirring my heart for our country. I wanted to step out. So I began praying, asking God for what's next for me. I wanted to go to a hard place, an unknown area, and share God's love with the poor. To walk with them, and to show love through both words and action. To serve the way Jesus served. He was like doctor to the sick. I want to reach out to the spiritually sick.

 In March, I came and asked Tammyma if I could go on a long fast. And get a clear idea of what's next. I told her I wanted to go to JAIPUR, Rajasthan. I wasn't sure of any details, but I wanted to know for sure and hear God's voice. She prayed for me and gave me word that I would know my answer sooner rather than later. Exactly, two days later, she got a surprise skype call from friends, who are returning to Jaipur to do ministry with extremely poor children from very low-caste communities. They told her that they really wanted to K-home young man to come and intern with them. Tammyma couldn't believe her ears! They wanted a K-home kid because they know about us and our character. The next day, she came and told me about the skype conversation, and I was extremely happy and joyful, I wanted to jump and down and shout! I was so excited and so happy! I knew God was speaking to me and I knew that HIS MARK WAS ON ME!! (Tammyma used to give me that word from God from a young age, and now I knew it was true!) God has been even doing amazing things since that time in March.

I am crazy about Jesus and the things of God. I am ready to explore His heart for me, for the people, the poor, and the oppressed. I have decided to attend YWAM (Youth with a Mission) in Jaipur for 5 months for a DTS (Discipleship Training School). I will improve my Hindi and learn of that culture. (India is a land of many many cultures, South Indian Bangalore culture is much much different than North Indian Rajasthan Culture.) After that, I will come home for Christmas with my K-homes family, and then return full time to Jaipur in January.

 Please pray for me.

IF you want to support me you can write to, and they will tell you how. Tammyma and The Filas have set up a sending agency for young people from our community who feel called into missions. It's called 'Sons and Daughters"

 Please pray for me
*Pray that I would not hold back but reach out to people. That I would not be insecure, but that I would reach out.
*Pray that God woulud use me to touch hearts through action, even though there is a language barrier. (we speak tamil and kannada down here, not hindi)
*Pray that I would walk in the Kingdom every day. That my secret place times would continue to be strong. *Pray that I will be learner! And that I would not miss my family too much.

 Thanks again, I'll be updating every month.


 PS The reason I named this blog, "A Man Called Blessed" is because of two books I read by Bill Bright and Ted Dekker, "Blessed Child" and "A Man Called Blessed." I highly recommend them both. I felt like I connected with the character, Caleb, in those books. It seems like it was written just for me. I know God's blessing is with me, and I want to carry it to Jaipur.


  1. Love you Boo! Miss you already!

  2. Your story (through Tammyma) has been a blessing to me already. Can't wait to see what God has in store for your next. All blessings!

  3. Boo, I am amazed at how the Father has been moving in your life. Your passion for Him challenges and encourages me. May He continue to increase and show Himself in your life!

  4. Great job on your blog Boo!
    Taylor aunty and I are both praying for you and are super proud of you.
    I cant wait to hear about everything and I look forward to talking to you when I get back just like we talked about!
    Have a safe and blessed trip.
    Harrison Uncle

  5. I am so proud of you for following the Lord. You are a beautiful person(handsome) inside and out!!!

  6. Hey Boo. I am a missionary friend of Tammyma. In fact, you might of prayed for some of my 'children' in Haiti and Mozambique before, or even my niece Amber who was fighting leukemia (God healed her). You are going to go far with God young man. I'm praying for you.

  7. What an encouragement you are! I will be praying for you as you step out and continue to live a life fully devoted to the Lord. You are truly blessed!


  8. I was so encouraged and challenged by your story. Boo, God's hand of grace is on you right now. I can't wait to see your destiny unfold. He has marked you for great things! FOR REAL. I want you to know that I'm praying for you, and I'm sorry that I had to shoot you with that water gun. Please forgive me, so we can be friends (:

    Cory Uncle

  9. looking forward to reading your blog each month! LOVE your first post- it was great to hear your heart.. steve and i will be praying for you! go for it! :)
    randel aunty

  10. So proud of you, Boo and excited for your journey with the Father. My family and I will be praying for you.
    Shane Uncle

  11. Boo,
    Wow, how your have grown since Judy Auntie and I visited K-Homes--you have grown into a handsome young man, but more importantly is how God has grown your heart and spirit into the man that He wants you to be and has planned for you to be since the day you were born! Our prayers are with you and the ministry that He is leading you to.
    Dick Uncle
